Friday, February 25, 2011

Its a Mad Month

I hope I can keep up this month!
Aside from TAXES (ugh) and all the new changes to the site and adding a couple venues to buy my Art, and blogging... this month has proved to be a bit of a B*tch... har har.

It's raining outside and will probably be drizzling tomorrow as well which puts a bit of a damper on plans to help a friend paint the inside of her new house. I think its usually best to paint when its sunny and warm... but I suppose we really don't have time to postpone anyway. I am excited for her and her man as they have been super patient about getting this place all spruced up to live in. Lucky me its only 15 minutes from my home and she's my best bud.

On the work front at ASW things are going nutty as our store has grown and is now booming. I think we are all needing some help now although we are all equally excited for the store. I can't wait for things to settle down again and see all our hard work pay-off... hopefully it will be in time for our big Three-Day Sale Arty Gras! Hee hee. :)

Lately I've been coming home and sitting in front of my computer and my desk between taking breaks and watching episodes of Bored To Death with Josh... I will have to wake up early to try and make up some time that I will be missing when I go help my friend... I still have to try and send out more promos and email potential clients!

I am genuinely exhausted and yet happy to do all the work.
How are you all?
I sure wish we could talk sometimes.

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