Wednesday, November 04, 2009


Well, I read Chad Beckerman's interview he posted and am impressed... Nice view on how to approach your illustration career... it's true... maybe we need to drop the "dream" and make it a "job"!!! :P
Silly artists! ;)
No, but seriously, I think sometimes that's a big crutch for people- even those that hire illustrators that don't have experience dealing with artists. I think that's why Josh has to deal with so many clients not intentionally treating him like he ought to do his work for free because it involves art. If everyone adopted and accepted the fact that illustration is WORK then maybe we'd have less problems (ie spec work and the like).
Anyway, I just love when art directors share their views and thoughts... give a little insight to their responsibilities as well. It always helps! Even though there are the a lot of the same messages, there's ALWAYS a little bit of the person in there and it ALWAYS helps to hear what they think and feel... For instance, he talked a bit of how he feels illustrators trying to break into the field ought to really see doing this like an athlete-- you have to work out everyday (as in draw everyday)! Approach it like your life depends upon it.

Please click on the link to Mishaps and Adventures and read the interview if you are an aspiring illustrator, or someone that maybe needs a little motivation. :)
I was delighted to read it!
I should have sketches posted soon!


theartofpuro said...

Thank you for the advice,very interesting interview!

Anonymous said...

good post friend!!!!!!
please visit me back!!!!!!

Culture of Indoensia
