Monday, March 14, 2011

Trying to paint again...

So this is a painting that I was working on in the midst of another project I posted about earlier...
It isn't finished, but I thought I'd post what I've been doing. I haven't been as productive as I should be... but I did do some tonight.

It was a bit hard to focus at painting to be honest. I've been feeling very aloof and sort of bummed out. But I have to jump back in and keep going!


Jenn Bower said...

for bummed out and aloof feeling I think you have still managed to produce a very stellar piece. I like how your current state is translated a bit across her face.

theartofpuro said...

Maybe it isn't fiished and you are bummed out...but you are doing a great work:)

Paige Keiser said...

I have felt that way before. I usually find that a small break, then forcing myself to draw until the inspiration hits again works well (along with looking at the art of some of my fav artists!) Really nice watercolors here! A very soft and painterly look.