Saturday, July 24, 2010

oh my..!

Well, quick post...

I am buried up to "here" in work!!

I am excited to see though upon a quick, quick, quick online peruse that lots of happenings are happening and lots of good work is being published!!!! ARGH! I need to work...

I plan on re-vamping the site with my new info and updating images and the sort once I climb out of my desk... yes, climb out. Actually, not desk, coffee table.

Thank you Josh for being able to laugh with me about how insane illustrators are and how we are glad to be insane!

Oh if only I could post all the work I've been doing but that would require more time as well!!
But I am working on my fifth picture book at the same time as my first editorial piece for some awesome new baby product!

Meanwhile, I am also feeling that sick itch to improve and push my artwork which is really hard to feel when you're in the middle of something that can't suddenly look totally different...


Creativity can hit at the most awkward times...

Next month should be filled with a lot of apartment hunting and then hopefully moving!
more work!
Someday, I will post!!!!

Miss you all so very much!

1 comment:

cassia said...

we miss you too, but it's brilliant that you're so busy. Don't forget to have some fun though too!