Monday, October 12, 2009


Geez, finally got my submission packets put together (for the most part) but I got distracted into trying to create a back image for promo postcards I've been thinking of ordering... I posted the image I wanted to use for the front already but here is what I painted today for the back...(keep in mind I left room for address, etc.)

I like it... but I am always nervous to spend any kind of money... even when it's for the right thing!!! :<

Anyway, I wish my twin, Mei, were on I-chat so I could ask her what she thinks, but she's helping my friend pack and move. Of course, this is in California, or I, being the crazy person that I am, would've driven all the way from HB to Irvine to show them the painting and ask them... WHAT SHOULD I DO???
(I know what I should do, by the way, I just need her to say it!)

I have progressively become more open about how neurotic I really am.... tee hee.
Darn CWIM, why did you have to have a blurb about promotional postcards? Right after I decided on how I wanted to organize a clean little submission packet??!

I don't want to be the person that plans and plans and never does!!
OK, I'll sleep on it. :)


cassia said...

it's lovely! Send, send, send! xxx

theartofpuro said...

Send! I love it!

WilsonW said...

Girl! Get it in the mail!!! LOL! It looks great! And thank you so much for the shout out in your previous post! I'm glad it looks like it could be of help to you and I'm also glad if it helps anyone else!! I love sharing!

...except cookies of course. You have to get your own cookies!! ;)


Mai Kemble said...

Thank u everyone!!! :D

I ordered them today... :>

Wilson, you are hilarious- I don't share my cookies either!!! :)

Lynne the Pencil said...

I love her beautiful tumbling hair amongst the leaves. Hope you decided to go for it...

Eric Scales said...

Cute card Mai. Great use of space.