I finally adjusted a few things on my website and uploaded some newer sketches as well (here is one of the pages I added). I also added a downloadable coloring sheet of the cover of The Moon and the Nightsweeper in case someone would want to use it to run off copies for their class or child. That can be fun- I've used them at book signings before and I think children really have fun coloring them. If I can get my butt in gear, I can probably have more for the other books, too.
So it's exciting to know that I Can Speak Bully is now at the pre-ordering stage... I still haven't seen the official interiors, although I have seen a mock-up for the cover. I feel much more capable now (I think that's only natural that if you practice, you're going to get better-duh) so I really hope to land another contract soon! I've always wanted to illustrate a story with some magic to it- like a Christmas story.
By the way, it has finally cooled off here in Portland so I am going to be pulling out the watercolors again soon. In the meanwhile, I'll need a bite to eat, and then sketch-time!
My twin has been staying over at our dad's apartment (he's leaving to China for 4 yrs. so she wants to spend as much time as she can with him before then) so I have been without my crit-buddy!!! You can only imagine how that feels... and I am someone who (since birth) needs a companion to help me fight crime and lay down the law... let's hope I survive this!!
To the bat cave!
i dig the new pieces you have on your site! neat experiments in texture there with "the babysitter" and the whimsy in "bicycle" is grrreat~
Nice character drawing!
They are so lovely character drawings,love it
Great character sketches.
Beautiful work, miss!
Sorry we missed you while you were in California, but I understand that family takes absolute priority, especially with so many cute nephews and nieces! :-)
Can't wait to see more of "I Can Speak Bully"!
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