Sunday, October 07, 2012

New Painting

Here is a painting I did to beef up my portfolio... it is part of a series for the "Rue and Charlotte" series. I hope one day to get a story to go along with these.  :)
Anything that allows me to look at photo reference of shops in France! Yum!  I absolutely LOVE the buildings and all the type for the shops... :)
I'm also printing up prep-work for a baby mural that I am supposed to be painting tomorrow.  Fun fun!  I've never done a mural before and I'm really hoping it goes well.  I have really prepared though so I feel pretty confident.  I will bring the camera and take "work-in-progress" pics while I work ;)

This weekend I managed to also set up a business account so I may just be that much closer to freelancing full time and doing the day job part-time.  That is super exciting and also pretty intimidating.. any advice?  I've been wondering about advertising on or anyone have any opinions on the matter?  They are expensive- but childrensillustrators is much more affordable for me right now.  Maybe I just need to try it (along with regular promos and hopefully a new rep).

Well, anyway, back to Pandora and painting~


Victoria Stitch said...

I really really love this image! It's so atmospheric! I could defo see a story coming out of it!

Brooke Boynton-Hughes said...

So pretty! That little bear is wonderful!! :)

theartofpuro said...

Beautiful illustration:)Love the colors and the atmosphere:)