I am still waiting to hear back on a different project and about to start a new one... but this weekend will all be about moving!

So in the meanwhile, here is some art for the book... the title and all of the details are still not to be announced, but at least I can give you some eye candy! Muahahaha!
I am brain-dead at the moment... wish I had something more prolific or ... just funny to write but I really don't. I just wanted to brag that I was done!
I told my mom and asked her for a high-five and she said "Oh, that's nice!" but... well, my fam's always been pretty low-key... It's like pulling teeth for an "Awesome!" with even one exclamation-mark. Har har. But I did get the high-five. Hehehehe.
Thus, the online bragging!
Well goodnight... onto the next.
And I hope all is well with you. And I give you all high-fives and Awesomes!!!!!! with many exclamation marks.