Friday, May 14, 2010

feeling a bit MIA?

Well, I haven't posted anything in forever and I am actually staying late at Art Supply to make up hours (I had to drop my mom off at LAX and had to take an extended lunch).
Meanwhile I am waiting to hear back from Charlesbridge on some re-works I did for a title to be released in 2010... If I had my the files here, I could try to upload some of the sketches...

Anyway, I hope that everyone is well...??

I should however, say that part of the reason I have been M.I.A. is because the end of last month, I drove up to Portland, Oregon with Mei to move Josh down to CA. So that took about a week or so....
During the trip Mei's car broke down twice and we've been dealing with things like that since... so I am a bit behind on my blog.

I also haven't been able to read any posts recently either...
bummer.... I love to read up and see all the work-in-progress posts.

I am at least happy to say that seeing Josh was just grand. I hope we find an apartment soon so we can post some pictures!
Anyway, take care world!


Jihyun park illustrator said...

happy to meet you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mai,
I hope you find some time to get things in order. I love reading your blogs and seeing your work. Best of luck on the apartment hunt!

Mai Kemble said...

thank you Linda!! :>